🔬 Breakthrough in Parkinson's Treatment!

Mission Therapeutics has been awarded $5.2M to advance a potential treatment for Parkinson's disease. This is a hopeful step forward for many in our caregiving community.

👉 Learn more about this breakthrough here: https://pharmatimes.com/news/m....ission-therapeutics-

What does this mean for you and your loved ones? Share your thoughts and experiences with Parkinson’s care on We Talk Care. Let’s inspire hope together!

#parkinsonsresearch #medicalbreakthrough #hopeforcaregivers #wetalkcare

Mission awarded $5.2m to advance potential Parkinson's treatment - PharmaTimes

Mission awarded $5.2m to advance potential Parkinson's treatment - PharmaTimes

The progressive neurodegenerative condition affects around 153,000 people in the UK
We Talk Care created a new article
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Your Rights as a Carer on Unpaid Leave: Understanding the Carer’s Leave Act 2024 | ##carersrights #unpaidleave #caregivers #wetalkcare #supportforcarers #worklifebalance

Your Rights as a Carer on Unpaid Leave: Understanding the Carer’s Leave Act 2024

Your Rights as a Carer on Unpaid Leave: Understanding the Carer’s Leave Act 2024

The Carer’s Leave Act 2024 represents a significant step forward in recognising and supporting the vital role of caregivers. By granting employees the right to take unpaid leave for caregiving duties, this legislation helps carers balance work and personal life.

💔 I Watched Dementia Destroy My Mum

A powerful and moving story about a daughter's experience with her mother's dementia. It's a heartfelt reminder of the struggles and emotions many of us face as caregivers. 🧠💜

👉 Read the full story here: https://metro.co.uk/2024/07/07..../watched-dementia-de

Have you faced similar challenges? Share your personal caregiving journey with our supportive community on We Talk Care. Let’s connect and support each other! 🤗💕

#dementiaawareness #caregivingjourney #supportcommunity #wetalkcare

I watched dementia destroy my mum – then I started forgetting words | Metro News

I watched dementia destroy my mum – then I started forgetting words | Metro News

Ellen was only 64 when she was diagnosed with early onset vascular dementia - just a few years after the condition claimed her mother.

📰 Statement from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

The Secretary of State has made a significant statement addressing the future of health and social care in the UK. This could impact all of us in the caregiving community. 🌍💬

👉 Read the full statement here: https://www.gov.uk/government/....speeches/statement-f

What are your thoughts on this statement? How do you think it will affect your caregiving role?

Share your opinions with us on We Talk Care! 💖👩‍⚕️

#healthcare #socialcare #caregivingcommunity #wetalkcare

Statement from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care - GOV.UK

Statement from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care - GOV.UK

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care delivers a statement setting out his mission for saving the NHS
We Talk Care created a new article
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Choosing the Right Care Home for Your Loved One | ##care #carehomes #caregiving #wetalkcare #caresupport

Choosing the Right Care Home for Your Loved One

Choosing the Right Care Home for Your Loved One

This article aims to provide guidance and offers practical tips and considerations to help make this challenging process a little easier. By understanding what to look for and what questions to ask, you can ensure that your loved one finds a happy and comfortable place to live.

💙 Let's Talk About Social Care Reform! 💙

Families across the UK are calling for urgent action to support the social care sector. Over 50 organisations and 24,000 people have signed a letter demanding political parties address funding, pay, and conditions in social care. Julie Sharp's story highlights the struggles many face, emphasising the need for real change.

Join the discussion on We Talk Care and share your experiences. Your voice matters!

👉Read more here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crgg97pylpxo
#wetalkcare #socialcarereform #supportcarers #carecommunity

General election 2024:  Families warn against social care 'betrayal' - BBC News

General election 2024: Families warn against social care 'betrayal' - BBC News

Charities and thousands of people have signed a letter saying families "desperately need a social care system that works".

Feeling unseen and unheard is a common experience among unpaid carers in the UK and one of the many reasons we created We Talk Care.

This poignant article from The Guardian shares personal stories and highlights the need for greater political support and recognition for carers.

👉 Read the full article here: https://www.theguardian.com/so........ciety/article/20

#wetalkcare #unpaidcarers #carervoices #supportforcarers


Stress is a common part of caregiving, but can it lead to dementia?

The Alzheimer's Society explores the link between chronic stress and dementia in this detailed blog post. Understanding these connections can help carers manage their stress and support their health.

👉 Find out more here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/....blog/can-stress-caus

#wetalkcare #stressanddementia #caregiverhealth #alzheimersawareness

Can stress cause dementia? | Alzheimer's Society

Can stress cause dementia? | Alzheimer's Society

Many people wonder whether stress is linked to a risk of dementia, and the news often reports a link between the two. Current research indicates that stress may play a role in the development or progression of dementia, but does not necessarily cause

Hello everyone

🌟 Listen to Joe Ndilla's Recent Interview! 🌟

Former carer Joe Ndilla created "We Talk Care," an online forum for caregivers to share stories and seek support.

With over 800 subscribers and 1,200 daily page views, it's quickly becoming a vital resource for caregivers across Staffordshire and beyond.

Discover Joe's inspiring journey and plans to launch a mobile app next month in his recent interview. Join us in celebrating and supporting our dedicated carers! 💙

🔗 Read the full article and listen to the interview: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3gg00zep2qo
#wetalkcare #caregivers #supportforcarers #carercommunity #listennow

Online forum gives carers a voice - BBC News

Online forum gives carers a voice - BBC News

Online forum gives carers a voice