πŸ₯ Concerns Over NHS and Social Care Funding πŸ₯

A powerful message from MPs: urgent action is needed to address gaps in NHS and social care funding. Read more about how these funding issues could affect both paid and unpaid carers and what’s being done to advocate for better resources.

πŸ‘‰ Get the full story: https://www.express.co.uk/news..../politics/1952621/nh

#nhsfunding #socialcarecrisis #caregivers #wetalkcare

NHS reform is held back by two myths β€” why but that could be changing | Politics | News | Express.co.uk

NHS reform is held back by two myths β€” why but that could be changing | Politics | News | Express.co.uk

Our NHS has been in need of reform for years a certain option simply isn't available for Keir Starmer.