🌟 Challenges of Unpaid Carers in the UK 🌟

Isolation, loneliness, and lack of support are some of the major challenges facing millions of unpaid carers in the UK. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of carers have unmet support needs, impacting their well-being and the health of those they care for.

Andrea Levy, a carer for her husband with dementia, shares her struggles, highlighting the need for more recognition and support for carers.

Join the discussion and find community support. 💬

👉 Read more here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/art....icles/cd114jel0yvo.a
#wetalkcare #unpaidcarers #carersupport #caregiverscommunity

Carers in London: 'We struggle every month' - BBC News

Carers in London: 'We struggle every month' - BBC News

BBC London speaks to carers about their wishes for the social care system ahead of the election.