An interesting article about Psycho social interventions for those with Dementia and their carers. These include, but not limited to the following: Psychosocial approaches for dementia that are in use but research is ongoing

•Cognitive retraining and cognitive rehabilitation

•Assistive technology (e.g. telecare, digital scrapbook, immersive space, intelligent lighting)

•Dementia training for carers

•Sonas (a multisensory stimulation technique)

•Play therapy

•Drama therapy/storytelling

•Meal positioning

•Therapeutic use of touch

•Occupational-based therapies

Kitwood (1997) proposed that a person-centred approach should be the bedrock for supporting people with dementia. The essential tenet is that personhood remains throughout the experience of dementia and it is the caregiver’s responsibility to ensure that it is maintained. Person-centred practice recognises the underlying needs of the individual, often expressed through behaviour. The paradigm shift from ‘managing’ behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) towards improving well-being, engagement and quality of life represents a significant change.

This is interesting, and in my view, places a lot of value on the carer and the person-centred approach which can be life changing. JB

Did you know that unpaid carers contribute 8 billion hours of care annually?
This new report urges increased support for the 4 million unpaid carers who, without their help, the social care system would collapse.

Let's rally behind our unsung heroes.

#wetalkcare #unpaidcarers #socialcare #caregivers



Health think tank The King's Fund has called for more support for the nation's army of unpaid carers - who provide close to eight billion hours of work every year.

Your Mental Health Matters!

British Psychological Society and BASW research reveals that there were over 50,000 lost working days due to social care worker mental health challenges.

Let's address the issue and support our social care community at We Talk Care.

#wetalkcare #socialcare #mentalhealth #carerwellbeing #carers

Mental health named top reason for social care staff absences – SocialCareToday

Mental health named top reason for social care staff absences – SocialCareToday

Research by the British Psychological Society and BASW found councils in England lost over 50,000 working days due to poor mental health amongst social care workers. During 2021-22 figures, which were obtained from a freedom of information request se
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Tips for supporting a loved one through their chemotherapy journey | ##chemotherapy #fightingcancer #cancer

Tips for supporting a loved one through their chemotherapy journey

Tips for supporting a loved one through their chemotherapy journey

Facing chemotherapy together with a loved one can be a challenging journey, but understanding the right way to go about this can make a significant impact

A quarter of NHS beds are filled with dementia patients, laying bare the stark reality of the social care crisis.

As our population ages, the demand for social care is soaring, but the sector is grappling with a shortage of workers. Let's raise awareness and work together to address this pressing issue.

#wetalkcare #socialcarecrisis #dementiaawareness #healthcarechallenges

Social care crisis laid bare as quarter of NHS beds occupied by dementia patients | The Independent

Social care crisis laid bare as quarter of NHS beds occupied by dementia patients | The Independent

Demand for social care continues to rise as the population grows older but there is a shortage of workers in the sector

‘Nobody thinks about us at the bottom of the pile.’
Another voice from the ‘invisible’ care sector breaks through with her story of lifelong caregiving for loved ones that often goes unnoticed and unsupported.

It’s time for change. What are your thoughts?

ITVX Homepage

ITVX Homepage

It comes as Carers Rights Day is marked today (Thursday 23 November). | ITV News Meridian

If you, or someone you care for either has children or is in direct contact with them, this news may stir up some conflicting feelings

However, those on immunosuppressant drugs or are under treatment for cancer might not welcome the news that parents are being urged to send their children to school with minor illnesses to reduce absence rates.
What are your thoughts?

#wetalkcare #immunity #carers #family #schoolsickness

Parents told to send sniffly children to school in government crackdown on sick days | The Independent

Parents told to send sniffly children to school in government crackdown on sick days | The Independent

New campaign aims to convince parents to send children to school even if they have minor illnesses
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Did you know that 1 in 5 young people could be a young carer?

These young heroes juggle a second shift alongside their studies, facing mental health challenges and impacting their academic performance. Let's break the silence on their struggles and stand together to offer support.

Join us in recognising and valuing the contributions of these young heroes – spread the word and invite them to be part of our caregivers network.

Supporting Young Carers: Advocating for Our Young Helper Heroes | ##youngcarerssupport #youngcarers #welbeing

Supporting Young Carers: Advocating for Our Young Helper Heroes

Supporting Young Carers: Advocating for Our Young Helper Heroes

Advocating for young carers and offering tangible support can contribute to their overall happiness and well-being.
Joe Ndilla created a new article
1 y

Challenges in Accessing Timely Support: A Closer Look at Autism Assessment Delays | ##austism #learningdisability

Challenges in Accessing Timely Support: A Closer Look at Autism Assessment Delays

Challenges in Accessing Timely Support: A Closer Look at Autism Assessment Delays

Unveiling the reality of autism assessments: 3 in 5 individuals still waiting after a year, only 1 in 11 within the 13-week target.