5 months and counting... 🕰️💔

In the heart of our communities, unpaid carers like Jane are sharing their stories, highlighting the silent, tireless journeys they embark on every day. Jane hasn't left her home for over a year, dedicating her life to care for her loved one without a break. This is the reality for many, and it's time we listen and act.

We Talk Care stands with every unseen carer. Your dedication doesn't go unnoticed. Let's amplify Jane's voice and countless others—demanding the support and recognition they deserve. Join us in conversation, share your story, and let's advocate for change together.💙

#wetalkcare #unseenheroes #carersupport #unpaidcarers

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A Carers Centre in Dumfries and Galloway said demand for services had increased by 25% in one year. | ITV News Border