🗣️ The voices of carers are being heard!

Carers UK has welcomed the public’s strong engagement in shaping the future of the NHS, with a focus on carers’ needs. The next 10 years could see significant improvements in how carers are supported within the NHS framework.

What changes would you like to see in the healthcare system for carers?


#carersvoices #nhsfuture #carerssupport #10yearplan #wetalkcare

Carers UK Welcomes Huge Engagement On Future Of NHS - Including Carers Voices To Shape 10 Year Plan

Carers UK Welcomes Huge Engagement On Future Of NHS - Including Carers Voices To Shape 10 Year Plan

Today (Monday 21 October 2024) the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care will launch an engagement programme to form a new 10-year health plan for the N