🌟 The Struggles of Caring for a Loved One with Parkinson’s 🌟

Caring for someone with Parkinson’s is challenging, both physically and mentally. Maureen Crossan shares her experience of caring for her husband, Patrick, highlighting the daily stress, lack of support, and difficulties in accessing healthcare.

The “Parkinson's: Who Cares?” report reveals that many carers feel overwhelmed and under-supported.

Let’s discuss the realities of caregiving and what changes are needed to better support carers. Share your thoughts and experiences with us.

Read more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/art....icles/c16681j68r5o.a
#wetalkcare #parkinsonsawareness #supportcarers #caregivingchallenges

Parkinson's: Struggling carers are 'always on alert' - BBC News

Parkinson's: Struggling carers are 'always on alert' - BBC News

A report find that Parkinson's carers are struggling to care properly for their loved ones.