An interesting article about Psycho social interventions for those with Dementia and their carers. These include, but not limited to the following: Psychosocial approaches for dementia that are in use but research is ongoing

•Cognitive retraining and cognitive rehabilitation

•Assistive technology (e.g. telecare, digital scrapbook, immersive space, intelligent lighting)

•Dementia training for carers

•Sonas (a multisensory stimulation technique)

•Play therapy

•Drama therapy/storytelling

•Meal positioning

•Therapeutic use of touch

•Occupational-based therapies

Kitwood (1997) proposed that a person-centred approach should be the bedrock for supporting people with dementia. The essential tenet is that personhood remains throughout the experience of dementia and it is the caregiver’s responsibility to ensure that it is maintained. Person-centred practice recognises the underlying needs of the individual, often expressed through behaviour. The paradigm shift from ‘managing’ behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) towards improving well-being, engagement and quality of life represents a significant change.

This is interesting, and in my view, places a lot of value on the carer and the person-centred approach which can be life changing. JB